Friday, October 3, 2008

Pumpkin Soap for the month of October ENJOY

I've wrote a little bit about this bar already in the previous blog, but Now sine it is ready to be sold, here it is, 'PUMPKIN SOAP'! Yep you guessed it! Now I have noticed most everyone who makes soaps now has a 'pumpkin bar' for sale, but can any of them say, it's made from pumpkin not just a fake pumpkin fragrance? Well, I can! Here it is, a gift of pure joy, from the earth, nothing fake in this bar, no fragrance oils of any kind, no essential oils of any kind, just pure skin replenishing REAL PUMPKIN! Pumpkin is known to slough off those dead skin cells to help bring out the real brighter skined you! Pumpkin also contain lots of anti-oxidant vitamins A and C, as well as zinc and alpha-hydroxy-acids which helps to reduce the signs of aging. To this nearly perfect soap we added one more skin nourishing ingredient, Goats Milk, yes you heard me, this bar is pure skin nourishment all the way around! You'd expect this bar to be in some fancy Spa for some high dollar amount, but no, I offer it to you at a reasonable price because Natural does not mean 'expensive'! That is what Earth's Essence is all about, I bring you the best that nature has to offer you, made using the best ingredients combined in the perfect way to bring you an all around well being unserpassible and inferrior to any other product. That is my promise to you, and I back it through my company money back guarentee! Please check with my Etsy shop for more details about this amazing bar of soap, and my other amazing products! Thank you, Michele Owner, Earth's Essence LLC

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for stoppin by my blog and becoming a follower! Pumpkin soap sounds so cute! I wish you much luck with your Etsy shop! Cheers from Boston! :D


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